Welcome To The New Scanners Night
January 15, 2011 Scanner Nights, Scanner resources, ScannerCentral news 3 CommentsThis week we ran our new look Scanners Night at a new venue with our biggest crowd yet. (See pic above – that’s me, John Williams, in the foreground)
The focus in our new format is on you and helping make your ideas happen – with the help of 60 other creative people who are writing books, building blogs, launching businesses, starting their own event, using social media to promote their art, or making their escape from the 9 to 5.
And instead of long talks, we lead you through an exercise to get help on your ideas so that you leave with new insights and new contacts to make things happen over the next month.
Plus we share the real-life stories of people who have launched some brilliant projects onto the world and even turned them into a lucrative business.
Rave reviews
Here are some great unsolicited comments we got on twitter after this very first “Scanners Night 2.0”:
Fantastic scanners night with @johnsw and @FreeRangeHumans yesterday – lots of inspiring people and ideas, lots of energy, whoop!
I found it really helpful tonight. I have some very clear actions to take this week. Thanks.
Scanners night was really good tonight, really enjoyed it.
Newly discovered play project starts tomorrow thanks to a great scanners night!
We want your opinion
If you were there, let us know what you think: What did you get out of it? What was most helpful? What would you change? We’d love to know – so please leave a comment. If it helped you to pursue an idea or project, let us know that too!
If you haven’t experienced the new look Scanners Night yet, but you’ve been to our other events, leave a comment to tell us what you’d like from the night – and make a date to join us in February.
The next Scanners Night is 9 February. (Scanners Night is on the 2nd Wednesday of the month so put it in your diary as a repeating appointment if you’re a fan.)